writing by the esc


“Kona Community Development Plan,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), APA Regional and Intergovernmental Planning Divsion Newsletter, Spring 2013

"Legislating the Use of Visual Simulation in the Planning, Review and Permitting Process," (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), APA Urban Design and Preservation Division Newsletter, Winter 2011

“Linking People and Place: The Human Development Overlay District,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Planning and Technology Today, APA Press, Chicago, Summer 2008

"The Use of Digital Visual Simulations in Three Participatory Planning Case Studies," (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper, Cambridge 2005

“Just-in-Time Planning: New York + Houston” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Architectural Design, London, 2005

“Interactive GIS for All,” (George Janes, AICP), APA Infotext, Winter 2003

Cover image for APA Planning Magazine, (Environmental Simulation Center), APA Press, Chicago,  July 2004

“Viewpoint,” (George Janes), APA Planning Magazine, APA Press, ChicagoMay 2004

“Critique: New Zoning Proposed for New York Needs Further Refinement,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Architectural Record, New York, November 2000

“Regulating the Good You Can’t Think Of” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Urban Design International, E & FN Spon Press, London, Fall 1998

“Daylight as a Zoning Device for Midtown,” (Michael Kwartler and Raymond Masters), Energy and Buildings, Vol. 6, Elsevier Sequoia, The Netherlands, 1984

“Housing Quality Program Puts Human Scale into Residential Zoning,” (Michael Kwartler and Charles Reiss), The Planners Notebook, APA Press, Chicago, December 1974



“The Preparation of the Kona Region Community Development Plan: A Case Study in Visioning and Visualization,” The Future of Cities and Regions: Simulations, Scenario and Visioning, Governance and Scale, Editors: Bazzanella, Canepro, Corsico, and Roccasalva, Springer, London, 2012.
For more information click here.

“Communities in Control: Developing Local Models Using CommunityViz®” (George Janes, AICP and Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Planning Support Systems for Cities and Regions” Editor, Richard K. Brail, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, 2008
For more information click here.

Visioning and Visualization: People, Pixels and Planning, (Michael Kwartler, FAIA and Gianni Longo), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Spring 2008
For more information click  here.

“Planning and Design with People,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Complex Artificial Environments, Editor: Juval Portugali, Springer, London, July 2006
For more information click  here.

“Visualization in Support of Public Participation,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA), Visualization in Landscape and Environmental Planning, Editors: Lange and Bishop, Spon Press, Taylor and Francis Books Ltd., London, 2004
For more information click here.

“Community Viz™: An Integrated Planning Support System,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA and Rob Bernard), Planning Support SystemsIntegrating GIS, Models, and Visualization Tools with Robert Bernard, Editors: Brail and Klosterman, ESRI Press, Redlands, 2001

“Planning and Zoning the Mature City: A Working Paper,” (Michael Kwartler and Associates), Planning and Zoning New York City: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Editor: Todd Bressi, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 1992

“Legislating Aesthetics: The Role of Zoning in Designing Cities,” (Michael Kwartler), Zoning and the American Dream, Editors: Charles Haar and Jerold Kayden, APA Press, Chicago, 1989

“Sunnyside Gardens:  The Politics of Common Open Space,” (Michael Kwartler, FAIA and Frank Havelick), Space and Society, Sansoni/MIT Press, June 1984





“Preserving Sunlight and Daylight in New York City’s Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Spaces and Private Spaces: Existing and Proposed Zoning”- NYC Bar Association (Oct 2020)

“Regulating The Good Of You Can’t Think Of- Prescription vs Performance?” - AIA Housing Committee (Feb 2019)

“Managing Change & Regulating The Good You Can’t Think of: Self-Adapting Systems, Self-Organization and Emergence” - Columbia University, GSAPP (Feb 2018)

Institute For Public Architecture: Fellows Seminar” - (July 2018)

“Franklin Avenue Rezoning: Shadow Analysis”- For Brooklyn Botanical Garden (May 2017)

“Central Park Development Analysis: Shadow Analysis”- Existing Conditions with Buildings Under Construction (May 2016)

“Special Districts” - Appraisal Institute (Oct 2015)

“Measuring Performance in Urban Planning- Houston Main Street Corridor”- (March 2012)

“Mapping the City- For Decision Making” - Center for Architecture (Video) (July 2011)

“Envisioning & Visualizing the Future of Kona” - (Sept 2011)

“Simulating Change and Decision Process”- Department of City Planning (Feb 2009)

“Plans for Capacity Building, Using 3D Modeling & Decision Support Applications”- For Prince George’s County Planning Department (Sept 2009)

“Pfizer/Broadway Triangle Redevelopment”- (Report) (July 2007)

“Dynamic Planning Tools” - Hong Kong Urban Renewal Authority (April 2005)

“New York City Chinatown- 3D Mapping Project”- For Museum of Chinese in Americas (April 2005)

“The Cathedral Church of St.John The Divine” - (May 2004)

“Housing We Love But Can’t Build Again Under Current Zoning” - New York Chapter of AIA Housing and Planning and Urban Design Committees (April 2004)

“Transferable Development Rights: Selling Air.. What a concept!” - Appraisal Institute (June 2004)

“Unified Bulk Proposal: Where do we go from here? - AIA Housing Committee (Nov 2000)